
I am…

  • an Atheist/Agnotic/Discordian/Taoist
    • In order from least important to most important
    • In order from what I’m best at to what I’m worst at
  • a romantic cynic (or a cynical romantic, depending on the day)
    • I really want to believe that people can be better, but then I meet the people.
  • trying to remember my Taoist mantra…  shit happens
    • sometimes it’s good shit, sometimes it’s bad shit
    • make the best of it and keep moving
  • trying to remember that “this too shall pass”
    • so I should …
      • pay attention and really enjoy the good shit cause it won’t last
      • not get too caught up in the bad shit cause it won’t last

The blog is my place to make comments on things I feel like commenting on.

The above was written in February, 2011. It’s now April, 2019 and there have been some recent changes:

  • an Atheist/Agnotic/Discordian/Taoist

Buddhist belongs in here but I’m not sure where it fits. I think it’s not really in the list, it’s a side thing that’s come to overshadow the others. Note that I’m a secular Buddhist, so no karma or reincarnation and the Buddha was just a guy who figured things out and told some other people (probably all guys) and some of them wrote it down and others read it and wrote their own versions and it made its way to me and holy shit it is useful. Like life transforming useful.

  • a romantic cynic (or a cynical romantic, depending on the day)

I don’t think I’m a romantic or a cynic any more. I think I’m a realist. I know that people can be better. I also know that they probably won’t. But they might.

Buddhism and meditation have heavily influenced this.

  • trying to remember my Taoist mantra…  shit happens
  • trying to remember that “this too shall pass”

Buddhism and meditation are what made this come alive.

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