February was great… until it wasn’t

Back in January I went to the Dr for the first time in a couple of years. I had several issues and sleep was one of them. I explained the stressful home situation and my frequent insomnia and he suggested that an antidepressant my help with the stress and anxiety and leave me better able to sleep. I was resistant at first, I knew I was depressed but thought it was just the situation and not anything pills would help, but I was tired of being tired so I gave it a try.

A week in and I could feel a difference. The highs and lows, especially the lows, seemed smoothed out. If zero is “life sucks” and ten is “life rocks” I felt like I was riding a steady five or six. At the beginning of February something, I’m not sure what, happened with KW and suddenly we were good. I loved my wife again, I was super productive at work, I was doing sixes and sevens easily. I was happier than I had been in a looonnngggg time.

But, there was still the tension of the kid in basement and Sarah’s mediocre grades. Tonight Kw picked up Sarah from the tutor and apparently chewed her ass in the car as Sarah rushed past me looking she wanted to cry.  There was lull and then she started “talking” to Sarah and I got involved and…

Cutting to the end, it’s 1:30am, we’re probably going to kick Sean, Jacquie and Shane out today, on Shane’s first birthday, and I’ve pretty much decided that I need to get a divorce.

But February was great.

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