2014 Hugo Awards: Nexus by Ramez Naam

 Nexus by Ramez Naam

Started 2014-06-03 / Finished 2014-06-06


2014-06-03: Really enjoying this one so far though I don’t think the tech will get that far by 2040. Also disagree with the way the Feds are portrayed. I see that as wishful thinking. No mention of climate change and how that’s affected the world. I guess it was simpler just to ignore it. Kade is too naive. I think naivete is on the edge of extinction and can’t imagine a college student in 2040 being so… naive. Might just be might cynical nature though.

2014-06-06: Still enjoying it though it’s too long and it pushes my buttons on government using violence and deception to “protect” people from imagined threats. Also, Sam just had a major change of heart that was very deus ex machina. A more organic change of heart would have been preferable. It would also be nice if books would stop using ultra naive protagonists. I stopped believing in “innocent” people a LONG time ago.

2014-06-06: Well, at least it isn’t a series. Pretty good. Generally enjoyable though I’d have liked it shorter and more believable. I know at the end he tells us about the real research his extrapolation is based on and while it’s amazing I’m still not buying his extrapolation. See me again in 15 years and we’ll see where things stand.


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